Wednesday 20 July 2011

Ranch Dip

Now in the book there is a recipe for Spicy Veggie Dip. Its great! But it's no ranch dressing. Now in Australia you can't buy ranch season packets. So I have created my own, and its pretty darn delicious! Mind you I haven't had "real" ranch dressing in quite a while. I cut up celery and carrot sticks and save them in the refrigerator. Its another great go to snack.

1 cup Greek yogurt cheese
1/4 cup sour cream
1/2tsp parsley
1/2tsp dill
1/4 tsp onion flakes
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/8 tsp pepper
1/8 tsp salt

Make the yogurt cheese. This is made by draining off the extra liquid from the greek yogurt by using cheesecloth and allowing it to sit over an empty bowl overnight in the refrigerator. (see picture below) Mix all the spices together. Don't add them all at once. You might like more or less seasoning than me.

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